Friday, August 15, 2008


All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players....
(William Shakespeare- As You Like It)

we all think of ourselves the best...every time we move, every tiny thing we do, we take a look around to see how people around us are impressed, we long to see admiration and approval in their eyes. And when this fails to happen, we just delude ourselves, indulging in the illusion that it is the other's fault.
but in the end we are all fools, we fail to realise we are just players playing some predefined roles...Who or what predefines them? society most of all, the fear you cannot find yourself in the well traced strata of society, the fear you might be different and then rejected. so you comply yourself to all sorts of rules more or less self imposed by which you eliminate the danger of getting lost. And you are proud - you are like others or maybe even better. And then another deadly fear comes- that of being vulnerable, of showing you also can have feelings, the fear of letting the guard down. And then, though you were already wearing a mask, you put on another one, a mask so masterly forged that it hides your self from you. In the end not even you succeed in knowing you, you end up being the role you have been playing for so long.
We fail to be true to ourselves and those around and all the strifes and pains and struggles, and smiles and lines are nothing but a reproduction, a presetting....
Shakespeare was a genius, there's no doubt about it....

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