Sunday, April 17, 2011

Black and white....

What if one day we would all wake up into a world of blacks and whites and shades of grey in between? Would we still be thrilled by the beauty around us? Would we still be able to even talk about the beauty around us? What makes things beautiful after all? Is it the mixture of dozens of colours and shades of colours from brighter to paler ones? Is it the shape of things? Is it in what they represent for us, what symbol they bear? What is it in them, in their essence that many times excites our senses? Would we still perceive the world the same intensive way in spite of the missing colours?

I recently woke up one day in such a world....horrified at first at the perspective of
experiencing colours only as remote but profound memories, I set off trying to give the benefit of the doubt to this apparently empty world, cheap copy of what once meant my world...

My footsteps took me on the entangled paths of forests, under the quite bare trees of coming spring, near dried lakes, and near flowers which, because of my half blind vision, seemed to be lacking any fragrance... And yet, to my surprise I was surrounded by beauty... All colours were missing, my mind was missing colours, and yet somehow, in a strange way the original horror was gradually replaced by wonder at a different way of seeing the world. It was as if the sudden simplicity imposed by the dual tone, made things clearer, and the sensations got stronger and more profound... everything had a fresh air about it...It was like the air you breathe at the first snowing each year- cold, humid and surprisingly fresh.

There is a conclusion to all this, if you were wondering... Not always does the beauty stay in the details- beauty of nature, of a person. Sometimes, getting beneath the glowing, colorful surface of something/ someone you get to discover the true value of that something/ someone... And sometimes that glamorous surface attracts you like a moth is to a light, and and exactly like a moth getting too close to the light, you end up getting burned. So maybe sometimes, it is better to get rid of the habit of always looking for fancy, bright and "colourful" details in places, things and people. Maybe there's more to them than meets the eye... Just maybe!

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